About the Configuration Upload/Download Page

The Configuration Upload/Download page allows you to load, restore, or backup and save phone configuration files by loading the files between the phone and the PC.

About Configuration Files

Configuration files are stored on the HTTP server or the TFTP server. Two types of configuration files are supported on phones that are connected to an HTTP or TFTP server:

The Generic file is loaded first. The User ID file is loaded next and, if both files contain settings for the same parameter, the specific configuration file overwrites the generic file. The MAC address-specific file is loaded next and overwrites any duplicated settings in either the Generic or the User ID files.

When a phone reboots, it does the following:

Creating a configuration file

To create/modify a configuration file (generic or specific), use a text application such as Notepad, TextPad, or SimpleText, or use a word-processing application and save the file as an XML file.

Tip: For a complete list of configuration file content, refer to the Mitel Configuration Guide link in the SIP Phone FAQ at http://sipdnld.mitel.com/faq.html

Configuration Upload/Download Settings

The following table lists the settings on the Configuration Upload/Download page:

Setting/Button Name




< file name >

Displays the selected configuration file.

Browse... (button)


Use to locate a saved configuration file on your PC.

Upload (button)

Initiates file transfer

Starts transfer of selected configuration file from the PC to the phone. When the upload is complete, reboot the phone for new configuration files to take effect. When the upload process is finished, a page displaying the upload appears. Maximum size for the upload configuration file is 6K bytes.

Click Here (link)


Opens the page where the configuration file is transferred from the phone to the PC.

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